Idiom Hunt

Idiom Hunt

Idiom Hunt

A game to help you learn common idioms and proverbs in English is called Idiom Hunt. Like a word hunt, it tests players' ability to determine the meaning of arbitrary idioms from context cues. Complete idiomatic expressions by gathering words in the right order to advance through as many levels as you can. You must select from 4 answer options the appropriate idiomatic phrase for the example situation by drawing logical conclusions from the clues. A star rating based on speed will be generated by selecting the appropriate idiom. Collect words by touching them, but be sure to do so in the right order or you'll have to restart the game.

With more than 300 common idioms covering a variety of subjects, including emotions, food, animals, and more, the game challenges players to use critical thinking to interpret each peculiar expression. Learning idioms and proverbs is made interesting by the vibrantly colored artwork and animated bonuses. Idiom Hunt shows how English speakers jokingly employ metaphorical language in casual settings.

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